About MeSPE

MeSPE promotes and advocates
• Professional licensure in all engineering disciplines.
• Continuing professional development, training, and education of licensed engineers.
• STEM education in schools, along with awareness and introduction to engineering disciplines for students.

Members enjoy
• Discounts to the Annual Symposium and other Society training events.
• Opportunities to interact and network with colleagues throughout the state.
• Rewarding experiences with students as they learn and achieve success in engineering-related competitions.

Members contribute to the education and development of students interested in math, science, and engineering via our support of MATHCOUNTS and Robotics programs.

Please feel free to contact any of our Officers or Board members for more information.

Officers, Board of Directors, and Staff

Past President Jonathan Earle, PE JEarle@Harriman.com
President Jeff Fenn, PE Jeff@Fennco.net
President-Elect Phil Badger, PE Philip.Badger@WBRCinc.com
Secretary Tom Henaghen, PE THenaghen@gmail.com
Treasurer Jeffrey Jones, PE Jeff@JonesPE.com
HOD Delegate Curtis A. Beveridge PE, F.NSPE CurtBeveridge@roadrunner.com
Director 1 Boyd Snowden, PE BoydSnowden@gmail.com
Director 2 Colin Hewett, PE CHewett@HWEngineers.com
Director 3 Peter Fitzgerald, PE PFitzgerald@ins-engineering.com
Director 4 John Belding, PE John.Belding@Maine.edu
Order of the Engineer Link Liaison Jon Cavallo, PE jrcpe@aol.com
Executive Director Bill Wyatt, PE Info@MeSPE.org

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MeSPE By-Laws  and Operating Procedures (revised November 17, 2015)

Link to our Document Library (Application forms, etc)

Link to Meeting Minutes